A Percolation test is simply observing how quickly a known volume of water dissipates into the subsoil of a hole of known surface area. This test is used to determine the water absorption rate of your ground type in preparation for the building of a wastewater drainage field or percolation area. The results of a percolation test, comprising three test hole results, are required to properly design a waste water treatment system and mandatory for submission of a discharge consent application.

Test Schedule and Timeframe:

On day 1 we allow a six hour window for the percolation test on test hole 1, the cost is £275.00 + VAT for the first day. If the results of this test are longer than six hours it is considered a fail. (Please note that anything under the six hours will be suitable for a standard filter bed, anything more than six hours will require a custom design solution for the filter bed/percolation area).

If the percolation test exceeds 3.5hours on the first day, we will return to site for a second day at £250.00 + VAT and if the test exceeds 4.5hours we will need to return to site for a third day, also at £250.00 + VAT. It is mandatory for all three test results to be submitted along with a discharge to consent application to NIEA. DTS charge for one day percolation test with agreement from the customer that additional payment, up to a total of £500.00 + VAT, will be paid in full should day 2 and 3 be required. The customer accepts that this is largely unknown until after the first day, we can however advise you based on ground types in your area what to expect.